Monday, January 19, 2009

Menu Monday

Another week is upon us begging us to fill it with meals that will satisfy. What will it be this week?

walleye/green beans/ baked potato
green cury chicken/rice
steak/mushroom & onions/french bagette/salad
BBQ chicken legs/cheesy hasbrowns/salad
pizza @ church

I'm off to the grocery store!


Julie H said...


Your posting of this is so helpful to get me going on planning my week. With MLK day yesterday, it hasn't been a normal start and I am less inclined to plan. I also like that you plan for 5 meals, because it seems like something always changes and i can't get to making all the meals. Anyways, here are some plans for this week, we'll see what happens:

Grilled Cheese/Gazpacho
Tikka Marsala Chicken/rice/Naan (an experiment)
McMuffins/Hash Browns - they were so good last time!
Chicken Alfredo Lasagna/Salad/Bread sticks

Annabelle said...

Here's mine for the week:
Potato Bacon Chowder
Broccoli Chicken Fettuccine
Zucchini Bacon Quiche
Beef and Broccoli