Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's Your Oxen?

Proverbs 14:4
Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.


Where there are no kids, the house is clean, but priceless sanctifying lessons come from raising kids!

Why am I so quick to get annoyed by messy rooms, or lots of laundry, or repeated instructions, or countless interruptions?
My goal is misplaced when I think success or happiness comes if and when the house stays clean or I complete a task uninterrupted. Success is when I decide to handle the situations that arise throughout the day in a way pleasing to the Lord.

How's my tone of voice?
Am I using self-control?
Am I being patient?

What are my actions teaching my kids?

Am I being consistent?

Good parenting isn't learned in ideal conditions. Good parenting is learned in the interruptions. Don't waste the school of interruptions!

Lord, thank You for this proverb and for it's truth. Please bring it to mind when I start to think of my kids as a burden. Thank You for the many ways you use the relationship of kids and parents to show me how glorious You are! Your unconditional love. How to have child-like faith. How You discipline those You love. How You want what is best for us.

What's your oxen?


  1. Thanks for explaining that verse. It makes sense now.

  2. Thanks for this word, Heidi. It encouraged me today!

  3. Heidi, I recently heard one of Paul Tripp's sermons and in it he says, It isn't our experiences that make us live holy, but how we interpret those experiences. I am enjoying cathing up on your blog today in between my house chores. Love you!
