Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I CAN'T do all things

Spring Break is over. For me it was a taste of what's to come this summer.....siblings readjusting to being with each other all day long, me readjusting to 3 kids being home all day long, no 8:00 bedtime, each kid realizing the restrictions of freedom according to their age (Addie crying as Evan gets to cross the street to play with friends, Isaiah crying at the front door window because Evan and Addie get to play outside). Yeah, it's going to be fun, right?...tending to each kid's needs...trying not only to keep them alive but also trying to instill some sort of godly character... trying to be teacher, nurse, friend, nanny, princess, wrestler, chauffeur, disciplinarian, referee, beautician, personal trainer, game planner, TV monitor, role model as well as chef, nutritionist, wife, mom, maid, laundry mat, personal shopper, comforter, encourager, gardener all at the same time!

How in the world am I going to get all of that done everyday with a good attitude and without losing my mind? Praise God I don't have to on my own strength! I've tried. It's not good. In fact it's down right ugly and it spreads through the whole household. When I get myself out of the way (pride, my own schedule, laziness, etc.) and start my day off tuning into God (reading the Bible and praying) then He provides the strength I need to get through that day. Things that might normally get me frustrated somehow dissipate as I look at it as a chance to exercise spiritual growth and God sanctifying me to become more like Christ. It's not always easy, but it is always worth it.
Matthew 7:13-14 says, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." I know Jesus is talking about salvation here, but I think it can apply to this as well. Anyone can take the easy, wide road and choose to be frustrated, angry, inconvenienced by their kids, but that way-while at first may be satisfying-leads to destruction. However, if I choose to take the more challenging, narrow road and practice patience, self-control, speaking softly to my will lead to life!

Lord, help me to make seeking You first a priority every day so that I can know Your will and do the tasks You have for me in Your strength and not my own.


  1. Thanks Heidi for the reminder! May the Lord grant you strength and wisdom in the summer ahead. I appreciate all your counsel, guidance and godly example in parenting.

  2. Amen to all that! When things aren't going right, it sometimes just hits me over the head..Have I asked God for help? He is always there and what a difference He makes! :)
    Jules, mom of 3

  3. i'm so glad that i read this.
    thanks for sharing your thoughts, Heidi!
    they are an encouragement to me.
