Monday, January 19, 2009

Menu Monday

Another week is upon us begging us to fill it with meals that will satisfy. What will it be this week?

walleye/green beans/ baked potato
green cury chicken/rice
steak/mushroom & onions/french bagette/salad
BBQ chicken legs/cheesy hasbrowns/salad
pizza @ church

I'm off to the grocery store!


  1. Heidi,

    Your posting of this is so helpful to get me going on planning my week. With MLK day yesterday, it hasn't been a normal start and I am less inclined to plan. I also like that you plan for 5 meals, because it seems like something always changes and i can't get to making all the meals. Anyways, here are some plans for this week, we'll see what happens:

    Grilled Cheese/Gazpacho
    Tikka Marsala Chicken/rice/Naan (an experiment)
    McMuffins/Hash Browns - they were so good last time!
    Chicken Alfredo Lasagna/Salad/Bread sticks

  2. Here's mine for the week:
    Potato Bacon Chowder
    Broccoli Chicken Fettuccine
    Zucchini Bacon Quiche
    Beef and Broccoli
